22 July, 2007

Hungover in Copenhagen

Jeff and I are hungover after a great dinner with Mette and a friend of hers. I think Bjarne was taking it easy, as I probably should have..... Oh well, I got it out of my system and we had a great time. Today it's very rainy so we didn't go to the museum as planned and it's 4:30 and we are just now going out for lunch. But that's what happens when you don't wake up until after 2:00! Today is a perfect day for watching Le Tour and recooperating. Hope everyone is enjoying themselves on a nice Sunday in the States. Ciao!

1 comment:

Jennie Priven said...

It was bound to happen sooner or later Brian. As long as everyone had a great time, good for you! Glad to see you are "finding" that lost shaker of salt.