03 August, 2007

Tourist day on the Rhein

"Look kids, Parliament, Big Ben." So I was talked into playing tourist today. The hotel owner conned me into coming back here for the night after seeing Brigden and Bacharach. I was going to cycle down and back, but WHY when you can ride the train! So I figured out how to buy a ticket on the platform and get on the right train on the right platform. A little more confusing than it sounds, but not too difficult, even though I can.t read a lick on the machine. Both towns were nice, not much to go into without pictures, just more AOB.s. It was nice, but I learned also that cycle touring is cheaper than regular touristy touring. It cost €15 for a RT ticket, then another €12-€15 to get into the tourist attractions. Cycling cost to ride on the paths, €0! Although I may not get much "cultural" information along the way, I still see some of the same sights and it doesn.t cost a dime, er, Euro. Now I am back for dinner at the hotel, which they only do a couple times per week, they insisted I come so why not! Tomorrow I don.t know how far I will travel, probably to Mainz or near there. If the town looks too big, I.ll just keep going. I found this place by following the 'I' for Information to the town centre and asking them where to stay. I had not tried that before but I recommend doing so for all of you reading and I will probably do the same tomorrow. Time to go drink and be merry, or find Mary! Prost!

Was this staged, or did Klaus make me drink this much? Prost, mom and dad!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Hi, Brian. I finally got your email and blogsite from Mark. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about your trip and viewing the pictures. What an adventure! I can't wait to hear more. Safe travels!